The Supplier will deliver the Spare Parts and/or Accessories to the location specified in the Order (Delivery Place) as soon as reasonably practicable. Orders may be delivered in one or more parts. The Supplier is not liable for any claims for late delivery of Spare Parts and/or Accessories or any loss or damage suffered by the Customer arising from the delay in delivery.
Anyone at the Delivery Place who receives the Spare Parts and/or Accessories will be presumed by the Supplier to be authorised to receive the Spare Parts and/or Accessories.

If the Customer gives instructions to the Supplier at the time of making the Order giving the Supplier authority to leave the Spare Parts and/or Accessories at the Delivery Place (ATL), the Supplier will leave the Spare Parts and/or Accessories on the Customer’s doorstep even if no one is around to receive them. In this case, the Supplier will not be responsible for lost or damaged deliveries after they have been dropped off.
If there is no one at the Delivery Place and an ATL was not given to the Supplier, the Spare Parts and/or Accessories will not be left at the Delivery Place. The Supplier will endeavour to contact the Customer and may charge an additional delivery fee. A cancellation fee may also apply.